A slow PC can be a headache for many who rely on their computer for work or play. This can cause frustration and cost you money if your productivity suffers. Thankfully, there are some specific ways to improve the performance of your PC. Here are some tips you might find helpful for optimizing your PC's performance.
Check for PC issues
If you want to improve the performance of your PC, it's important to first recognize common problems. If you're having trouble with your internet connection, the first step is to check for any issues with your modem or router. These can also slow down your computer and affect any other devices on your network. Depending on your operating system, there are specifics for Windows and Mac. We'll cover general issues.
Update Your Apps
Apps that you may have used for a while may stop functioning overtime. This can cause your PC to become very slow and it might also lead to errors.
So before turning your PC off completely, check if there are any updates available. If there are, download them and restart the application. If the problem persists, uninstall the software and try a new one.
Clean Your PC
There are lots of things you can do to keep your PC running smoothly, but one of the easiest is to clean it regularly. A poorly maintained PC may be running slower than it should because there's too much clutter in the hard drive, which slows things down when you're trying to move from site to site.
In addition to freeing up space, cleaning your PC will also help reduce the risk of viruses and other malware.
Tools like CCleaner and Avast CleanUp make it easy to clean your computer with a few simple clicks or taps.
Disable Start-up Apps
Your PC is running slower than usual, and you don't know why. This might be because of a application that requires background operation.
Start-up apps like Onedrive or Google Drive are essential if you use them for their intended purpose. Once downloaded, they are defaulted to activate when you turn on your computer. This delays PC boot up and slows down overall. Other applications like Slack and Microsoft teams also default to an automatic boot-up and stay in the background unless you manually close it.
If you do not need or you're not sure what apps start-up and remain in the background, simply open your task manager by right-clicking on your start menu, select the startup tab and one-by-one, disable what you deem unnecessary. For a more extensive explanations, check out company Crucial's "How to remove start-up programs." For Mac users, check out PC Mag's "How to Stop Mac Apps From Launching at Startup."
Upgrade Your Internet Connection
There are different services for download speeds. You only need at least 10 mbps for basic streaming, file sharing, and internet browsing. With more people working from home, you may want to opt-in for 25 mbps or higher. Finding the right internet speed for your home or office can make a difference in how your computer's performance will be affected. The FCC has released a speed guide for mb needed for each online activity.
So while we can't control everything around us, we can help our computers run more smoothly and effectively to give you back some peace of mind. Let our trained technical support team evaluate your devices for free! Click here to learn more.